Just Give Them A Little Bit Of That Razzle Dazzle

And Then - We All reached For The Camera !
" Razzle Dazzle ! "
Razzle Dazzle At Butterfly World

Upper Right Corner: This flower, with an unusual orange center, was seen at "Tropical World Nursery" in Boynton Beach, Florida. (Image at bottom of page taken at the same nursery). Top left : A butterfly on a flower at "Butterfly World" . This aviary, off Sample Road in Pompano, near Del Ray Beach, Florida -- includes an exotic bird section , a plant section , and a huge butterfly area (where this image was made) . Images of an exotic green bird (near the middle right area of the webpage) and a red winged bird (near lower right corner) were also made at Butterfly World. According to a reliable source - the bird shown just above this text (though I can't confirm or deny this) is a Catalina Macaw and is perhaps a cross between a "Scarlet" and a "Blue and Gold". A hybrid , it does not occur naturally in the wild . Once I arrived in the butterfly section , I was amazed at the large number and types of butterflies I saw. Images on page were taken as part of a course on how to operate a specific camera brand.

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